What we can learn from college students

What we can learn from college students

There's a lot going on in my life right now. My daughter graduated from college last week and next week, my son will graduate from high school. It's a busy month filled with ceremonies and celebrations.

It's a good reminder of how the approach to our resume changes between college and the "real world." Most college students, my daughter included, update their resume frequently--after every semester, every internship, and after every significant experience.

When's the last time you did the same? Or do you only update your resume when you're ready to look for a new job or maybe after a bad day in the office? The result is when you really need a resume, it's most likely outdated.

In honor of our recent college graduates, here's a few things this group can teach you:

  • Take time to celebrate, and write it down. So often we finish a project and instead of reflecting on what was learned or accomplished, we jump to the next job. College students are continuously updating their resume—at the end of a semester, after an internship or the completion of a big project.

  • Recalculate the numbers. At the end of each semester, a college student looks at their GPA and updates their resume accordingly. Look at your resume and do the same for sales, revenue, or other measurable results.

  • Review the job requirements for the job you want. College students will review job listings and then take courses or seek internships to gain the experience they'll need. Start planning your next step now and figure out how to fill those gaps.

  • Don't forget LinkedIn. LinkedIn is relevant in a job search. Don't ignore your profile.

  • Value other people's opinions. In my house, every one of our kids (and their friends) ask for my help with their resume. Not everyone has a resume writer in their home but at the very least, turn to a friend (an honest one) and ask for their feedback.

Update, build up, and clean up: 3 things to do every year

Update, build up, and clean up: 3 things to do every year

Building a Strong Resume in College

Building a Strong Resume in College